frequently asked questions


This is our FAQ page, all Commonly asked questions can be found here.

Often times we may recieve similar questions, or comments from our users. Because of the number of responses we recieve, it may take time to respond back to all users. Because of this, we have provided this page to answer all commonly asked questions, or answers to questions we believe users may ask often.


Do you offer IOS mobile applications?

We do but not for all of our apps currently out in the android market. We are hoping to port them all over. Web applications such as our crypto currency tracking website does however run on all mobile and desktop device browsers.

What is your refund policy for paid applications?

If you feel the application is unusable or simply not working on your devices as expected, you can request a full refund on the paid application. In such cases we may ask to provide screenshots of the problem so we can see the issue, and eventually try to push out a bug fix for any future users. Your assistance in providing details about the issue is always greatly appreciated.

Would you be able to add this feature to the app?

Occasionally users will ask for the inclusion of a certain feature, if you believe our app should have this feature then you can request it. We will consider carefully reviewing it, and deciding whether to include it for later build of the application if others request it also. We always appreciate feedback from our users, and if there is a feature you would like to see, then don't hesitate to share it with us as others may have requested it also.